A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L- M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
A - at, to, by, for, with
A capella - in the church style, these days voices(s) only
Accelerando - getting faster
Affettuoso - affectionately
Affrettando - hastening
Agitato - agitatedly
Alcuna - some, a certain
Amabile - amiably
Amoroso - lovingly
Animato - animatedly
Appassionato - passionately
Arco - bowed
Assai - sufficiently, very
A Tempo - in (the original) speed
Attacca - go on at once
Ad libitum - to your own liking
Bene - good, well
Brillante - brilliantly
Brioso - with zest
Calando - getting less
Calcando - hurrying
Cantabile - in a singing style
Col/Colla - with
Colla parte - keeping closely with the solo part
Come prima - as at first
Come sopra - as above
Con - with
Con amore - with passion, with love
Con brio - with zest, vigour
Con delicatezza - with delicacy
Con espressione - with expression
Con energia - with energy
Con forza - with force
Con fuoco - with fire
Con gracia - with grace
Con moto - with movement
Con sordini - with mutes
Con spirito - with spirit
Con tenerezza - with tenderness
Crescendo (cresc.) - getting louder
Da, Dal - to, from
Da capo (D.C.) - from the beginning
Dal segno (D.S.) - from the sign
Deciso - decidedly
Decrescendo (decresc.) - getting quieter
Delicamente - delicately
Diminuendo - getting quieter
Dolce - softly, sweetly
Dolente - sadly
Doloroso - with pain, hurting
Doppio movimento - at twice the speed
E, ed - and
Energico - with energy
Espressivo - expressively
Forte (f) - loud
Fortissimo (ff) - very loud
fff - as loud as it will go!
Forte piano (fp) - loud, then quiet
Forzato (fz) - forced
Forza - force
Fuoco - fire
Furioso - furiously
Giocoso - happily
Giojoso - with joy
Giusto - exact
Grandioso - with grandeur
Grave - solemn, sadly
Grazioso - with grace
Il - the
Impetuoso - impetuously, without patience
Incalzando - get faster and louder
La - the
Legato - bound, smoothly
Leggiero - lightly
Lusigando - soothingly
Ma - but
Maestoso - majestically
Maggiore - major
Mancando - getting softer, waning
Mano destra - right hand
Mano sinistra - left hand
Marcato - markedly
Martello - hammer, mallet
Meno - less
Mesto - sadly
Mezzo - half, medium
Mezzo-forte (mf) - medium loud
Mezzo-piano (mp) - half quiet
Minore - minor
Molto - much, a lot
Mosso - movement
Motto - movement
Morendo - fading
Non - not
Parlando - in a speaking manner
Pastorale - in a pastoral manner
Ped. - pedal, usually the right on the piano
Pesante - heavily
Perdendosi - getting lost
Piacevole - pleasantly
Piangevole - plaintively
Più - more
Piano (p) - quietly
Pianissimo (pp) - very quietly
Ppp - as quietly as you can play!
Poco - little
Poco a poco - little by little
Poi - then
Pomposo - pompously
Portamento - extremely smooth
Quasi - in the manner of, like
Rallentando (rall.) - slowing down
Replica - repeat
Rinforzando (rf. Or rinf.) - accenting strongly
Risoluto - resolutely
Ritardando (rit) - slowing down
Ritenuto (rit.) - slowing down
Risvegliato - with animation
Rubato (or Tempo Rubato) - in free time, no beat
Scherzando - in a playful manner
Scherzoso - in a playful manner
Sciolto - freely
Segue - follow immediately
Sforzando - forced, accented
Semplice - simply
Sempre - always
Senza - wihout
Serioso - seriously
Simile - similar
Soave - sweetly
Sostenuto - sustained
Sotto voce - subdued
Staccato - short
Strepitoso - boisterously, loudly
Stringendo - getting faster
Slargando - getting slower
Slentando - getting slower
Sopra - above
Sotto voce - subdued
Sul ponticello - near the bridge
Tacet - be silent
Tanto - so much
Tempo - speed
Tempo comodo - in conventional time
Tempo ordinario - in ordinary time
Tempo primo - at the original speed
Tempo rubato - in free time
Tenuta, Tenute, Tenuto - held
Tranquillo - calmly, serenely
Tranquillamente - calmly, serenely
Tre corde - release soft pedal
Troppo - too much
Un, Una - an
Una corda - with damper pedal
Veloce - rapidly
Vigoroso - vigorously
Vivo - with verve
Vivace - lively
Volante - flying, with wings
Volti subito (V.S.) - turn over immediately