The Same Thing Sheet Music

The Same Thing Sheet Music
Artist: Muddy Waters (also known as McKinley Morganfield), Buddy Guy, Pee Wee Madison, Sammy Lawhorn
Writer: Muddy Waters, Willie Dixon

You can preview our currently available arrangements for The Same Thing listed by instrument further down on this page. The Same Thing was written by Muddy Waters (also known as McKinley Morganfield), Buddy Guy, Pee Wee Madison, Sammy Lawhorn.

You may view the first page of any score before buying. This should allow you to make a more informed purchasing decision, and with tens of thousands of scores to choose from, there should be one appropriate for you. You can preview all available scores for The Same Thing one at a time by clicking on this button preview. You can easily modify the instruments for which you are viewing all currently available sheet music scores. All you need to do is change the instrument selected (the default is "All Instruments") in the box next to the instruction: "select instrument".

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Solo Guitar TAB
Guitar TAB Preview Great Scores licenced Sheet Music
Level: Original Genre: Boogie & Blues Pages: 3

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