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Paul McCartney also known as Sir James Paul McCartney, The Fireman - View Sheet Music for this Artist
Paul McCartney

Our Paul McCartney Sheet Music is available below. We have 462 songs for Paul McCartney Piano, Vocal and Guitar Sheet Music and other instruments.

This includes 337 Duets.

Genre: Popular & Folk, Rock, Punk, Supplementary, Religious and More

Did You Know?

  • Paul McCartney pseudonyms: Paul Ramone, A Smith, Apollo C Vermouth, Bernard Webb, Country Hams, Percy 'Thrills' Thrillington & The Fireman

Sir Paul is known world-wide as one of The Beatles, a solo star, composer, successful band leader with his group Wings, businessman and much more.

After he started seeing a few royalties, he bought a race horse for his father which he called Drakes Drum and it ran the race run just before the Grand National. Not too shabby at all.

It would be quite a debate to decide his best song but a lot of votes would go to Hey Jude. The song was written for John Lennon's son Julian at the time that John was divorcing from his wife Cynthia Powell.

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