Air On A G String Sheet Music

Air On A G String Sheet Music
also known as Air auf der G Seite, BWV 1068, Air For A G String, Air On The G String, Air On G String Sheet Music
Air On The G String, which is also known as Air On G String and Air On A G String has an interesting origin:

At the end of the 19th century the German violinist August Wilhelmj (1845-1908) decided to adapt J.S. Bach`s Aria from the “Suite for Orchestra in D-major” BWV 1068 for violin and piano. This second movement of Bach`s third orchestral suite is a slow movement in 4/4 and Bach wrote it originally for solo-violin and string orchestra.

Wilhelmj transposed the entire solo part, which is a gem of lyric music, into C, so it fits comfortably on the G-string, the lowest string of the violin with a particularly dark and romantic timbre. The harmonic parts he wrote for piano. Though this music was later transcribed for many other instruments like the flute, it did not lose its name “Air on the G-String”.In the box below you will be able to preview our String Quartet arrangements of Air On A G String. The individual instrumental parts are included in the purchase of the full score of Air On A G String. For your convenience you will be able to preview the full score of our String Quartet arrangement as well as the individual parts. MP3 play-alongs for our arrangements are also available. These consist of the accompanying instrument(s). Where possible we also offer a recording of the full score consisting of all instruments. In order to see which instruments are included in each backing track, hold your mouse pointer over the MP3 logo. DynSentE4a. This means that for a string quartet arrangement you will find an audio file that consists of the second violin part, the viola part and the cello part. This allows you to play the first violin part to the accompaniment of a high-quality play-along.
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162 Arrangements - select instrument:
String Quartet
String Quartet Violin / Violin / Viola / Cello Preview Great Scores licenced Sheet Music
Level: 3 Genre: Classical / Weddings Pages: 2
  1 Violin I     Preview Great Scores licenced Sheet Music Your purchase will include the full score as well as all individual parts
  2 Violin II     Preview Great Scores licenced Sheet Music
  3 Viola     Preview Great Scores licenced Sheet Music
  4 Cello     Preview Great Scores licenced Sheet Music

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  Backing Tracks and Sound Tracks  
String Quartet
String Quartet Violin / Violin / Viola / Cello 3 Classical / Weddings   Sample €2.99
  1 Violin I       Sample €2.99
  2 Violin II      
  3 Viola      
  4 Cello