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Leo Délibes - View Sheet Music for this Artist
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Leo Délibes

Our Leo Délibes Sheet Music is available below. We have 8 songs for Leo Délibes Piano, Vocal and Guitar Sheet Music and other instruments.

This includes 10 Duets 2 Ensembles and

Our Leo Délibes Sheet Music is available below. We have 8 songs for Leo Délibes Piano, Vocal and Guitar Sheet Music and other instruments.

This includes 10 Duets 2 Ensembles.

Genre: Classical, Romantic, Supplementary, Polka, Weddings and More

Leo Delibes (Léo Delibes) studied at the Paris Conservatory, where he developed his graceful approach to orchestration. Delibes attained success as the composer of operettas, operas and ballets. Of the latter, Coppélia and Sylvia have gained popularity. His probably best know work however is the opera Lakmé. The Flower Duet featured therein has become widely associated with a British Airways advert in the 1990s, therefore ensuring that at least one melody of Leo Delibes is now universally known.

Though not attaining the fame and respect of Beethoven or Debussy, Delibes is nevertheless remembered for having a charming touch in melody and orchestration.

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