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Frankie Goes To Hollywood - View Sheet Music for this Artist
Frankie Goes To Hollywood

Our Frankie Goes To Hollywood Sheet Music is available below. We have 3 songs for Frankie Goes To Hollywood Piano, Vocal and Guitar Sheet Music and other instruments.

Genre: Popular & Folk, Supplementary, Alternative, Easy Listening, Rock and More

You can Relax now because it's Frankie Goes To Hollywood, the risque but well loved band lead by front man Holly Johnson. Relax was banned by the BBC in 1984 which probably assisted it on its way to the number one slot on the UK Singles Chart. The BBC DJ Mike Read noticed the overtly sexual nature of the record sleeve and lyrics, threw a hissy fit, and stopped playing it mid-track. We can only assume that it took him quite a while to work out what "Relax, don't do it, when you want to come" means or "hit me with your laser-beams". Maybe they didn't do research in those days. The BBC banned it, it shot to number one, they couldn't play it. Brilliant work!

Frankie had many other hits including the wonderful Two Tribes and soulful Power of Love.

The band split in 1997 and reformed without Holly Johnson in 2004 until 2007.

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